Tuesday, October 6, 2009

i let them go...IT HURTS

in every story there is a beginning and every beginning has an END.

Its only now where that qoutes sink in to me.

i love my friends so much but there are certain things in life that's really hard to understand and explain,sometimes we makes decisions without even thinking its consequences...and i do mine.

i let them go,without even thinking if that will really ease the pain i have...i thought since i have new friends,acquintances..I can easily move-on..but eventually..i thought wrong!!!!

i can say..that friendship we have is AMAZING..and i am such a stupid to just end it just because i always felt that they taking me for granted..HELL.

When i found out that "innocent" REMOVED ME AS HER FRIEND in facebook,i get hurt.really hurt that i wasnt able to control my tears.and when i read her msg. on twitter,SHOCKS..I FEEL SO STUPID.

urghhh..i dont even know why im writing this things....i wanna die.